Wellness Score in Dartmouth, Halifax
We believe that you need a sickness care doctor, i.e. your primary care doctor, and a wellness care doctor. The more you go to the wellness care doctor the less you’ll need the sickness care doctor. So how do we, as your wellness doctors, measure your wellness? You can’t simply say it’s when you feel good because we all know someone who felt fine one day and dropped dead the next of a heart attack; or the women who felt fine today but was diagnosed with breast cancer the next. Lack of symptoms or feeling good is not an effective barometer to measure your health. That’s where the WELLNESS SCORE comes in. This is a scoring system developed to track and measure your physiology and function. It actually gives you a grade, A through F.
We measure what we call biomarkers of health. When we do a wellness score on you we look at various biomarkers of health.
Below are a few samples of the biomarkers that may be measured right here at Kinesis Health.
BODY MASS INDEX: It’s a height and weight chart. Yours needs to be below 30 and if it isn’t you have exponentially increased your risk factor for the 3 biggest killers of Americans, heart disease, cancer and obesity-related conditions such as diabetes.
POSTURE NUMBER: You live your life through your nervous system and your posture tell us exactly what it going on with your spine and nerve system. We take a digital photo and you from the front and side. A picture is worth 1000 words.
CORE STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY: We’ll measure 8 different ways to test your strength and flexibility of your core muscles. We sit too much and it’s taking its toll on our bodies.
BODY FAT %: The single best determiner of how well we age is how fat we get. Even if the scale isn’t changing, often our body composition is changing. And since one pound of muscle burns 3 times as many calories as one pound of fat, yet takes up half the space on your body, knowing your percentage of body fat is crucial to knowing how WELL you are.
We are the only clinic in all of Canada to offer this complete body analysis consisting of measurements in body fat percentages, heart rate, blood pressure, postural analysis, waist measurements, core strength and flexibility and other biomarkers of health.
Isn’t it time you found out exactly where your health stands?
Ready to get started? Give our Dartmouth clinic a call today: (902) 464-2225